Our Values

CELEBRATE Trust has six core values which shape our direction, flow through all we do, and ground us in our vision:

We value Family.

Families come in different shapes and sizes and we believe God wants them all to flourish so that they can play their part in the revitalisation of the Church and the sharing of the Gospel in society.

We value the Local Church.

We believe that parishes are the place to feed, nurture and build community. We want to motivate and equip people to invest in their local area to share, learn and enjoy being together.

We value Life in the Holy Spirit.

We provide formation and teaching that aims to bring alive our baptismal promises, to live a life in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. We teach on the charisms of the Holy Spirit and how they can be used in our everyday lives.

We value Unity.

We look for ways to connect and partner with people, communities and organisations across the Catholic Church to bring about our vision. We join with Jesus in His prayer for unity (John 17:21) by pursuing and welcoming opportunities to share with and learn from our brothers and sisters from all parts of the body of Christ.

We value Formation.

It is vital that we all invest in deepening our knowledge of God, ourselves, and the world around us. We offer space for people to encounter God, and resources for them to grow in their personal discipleship.

We value Mission.

As Christians, we are called to be missional disciples and use the gifts that God has given us to be good news for the world. We desire to inspire people to go beyond CELEBRATE Trust; to consider their own mission, and to be excited about what God can do through them for others.